
Interactive environments
Motion Design
Art pieces

Awesome apps for Macs, iPhones and iPads. Holistic spacial experiences for fairs, trade shows and events. Inspiring visuals and contemporary art pieces.


I’m into Apple since OS 9 (for the record, that’s Mac OS 9. Pre Y2K). Loving technology, I focus on providing exceptional hardware with outstanding software. Some might know my works on the Philips hue system, iBeacons and HomeKit.

Besides product based apps I work together with agencies, providing research and development from conception to deployment in the creative field.

My works brought me together with some of the top 100 rated agencies and clients worldwide for over a decade.

Interactive environments

From tiny screens to huge video walls. I love interaction and creating experiences.

My works have been exhibited next to the forbidden city in Beijing China, the Kremlin in Moscow and across Shakespeares Hamlets castle in Denmark.

From showrooms to fairs like the CES I enjoy transforming spaces into inspiring environments.

Processing openFrameworks Objective-C C++ GLSL openGL shading language Generative-design Info-graphics Key-visuals A/V Live- realtime data processing Audio-reactive Interactivity Virtual- Augmented Reality HTML JS PHP After Effects Premiere Photoshop Syphon OSC MIDI iOS macOS Unix 3D, 4D Projection-mapping Live-performance Video-walls Big scale computer installations

Face- Body- IR-tracking Indoor-tracking iBeacon Ubiquitous computing Wearables Apple Watch Multi-Touch Speech-recognition Artificial Intelligence Machine learning Neuronal networks Human Computer interaction

Natural user interfaces Haptic interfaces Leap Motion Kinect Light (hue, HomeKit, I2C) Synesthesia Arduino Ultra-Sonic, Motors, input, output Electronics Robotics Capacitive touch Lasers Prototyping R&D